Verify-then-Monitor: Calibration Guarantees for Safety Confidence

Guest Info

Oleg Sokolsky is a Research Professor of Computer and Information Science with the Moore School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania. His research interests include safety assurance and run-time verification, with applications to learning-enabled cyber-physical systems.


An emerging assurance paradigm for autonomous systems relies on the combination of design-time verification and run-time monitoring in order to establish and maintain our confidence in the system operation. It is important to ensure that design-time and run-time assurance efforts are complementary, to avoid gaps in assurance, as well as minimize duplication of effort. This talk will consider different ways to combine formal design-time verification with rigorously specified monitoring. We will discuss safety assurance guarantees that can be derived in each case and the role monitor calibration plays in establishing mathematically grounded probabilistic treatment of verification results.